Monday, November 25, 2013

Creating Banners for Your Website

You will be creating all 12 Banners for your Website today in Photoshop.
Each banner will have the following dimensions:

Width = 1024 pixels
Height = 150 pixels

You MUST save each of these banners as a .png file.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What to do Friday, November 22nd

Today you will continue to work on your Magazine Cover.
If you think you're done, you're not!!!
Remember when we discussed "Revisionism" in class when we were working on the "B-Movie Assignment".   Every digital artist and designer goes through this process and you will too.

Open your Magazine Cover in Photoshop and go to "File", "Save As" and save it as _magazine2
Now change your Magazine Cover to be COMPLETELY different from your first version.  You can use different imagery for your second version, but if you use the same imagery, you must change the placement and look entirely.

Both versions are to be turned into my "Classes", "Period 3" folder by the end of class today.

If you finish early, continue your research for your 12 page website.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Photoshop Refresher - Advertising Your Website

Design a cover for VIBE, VOGUE, LIFE, PEOPLE, ROLLING STONE, or any other popular magazine. Pick a style of design from any of these magazine types and try to emulate it's looks and style.
Your Photoshop document will be 8.5" Width x 11" Height.

The Requirements for this Assignment are as Follows:

1. A minimum of 3 images that you have found on the internet must appear on your Magazine cover.
2. There will appear on this cover a "Feature Article" about your website and this must be appear prominently in the layout of your magazine cover.
3. One of these image of emphasis on your cover should be high resolution.
4. EACH of your images must be accurately selected and use at least one layer style.
5. There must be 2 other "featured articles" of less prominence , featured somewhere on this cover, as well. These articles can be completely fake.  Think of some funny names for these articles and what they would be about, but make it appropriate.

Use the naming convention _magazine.

This assignment is due by the end of class on Friday, November 22nd.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What to do today, Monday the 18th

I am sorry to have to be absent again today, class.
While I'm out, please continue to brainstorm, research, and find images for your 12 page website.
That is plenty of work for you to keep busy with today. 
You will have a special Photoshop design assignment on Wednesday and I will be checking of your "Brain Paper" then as well.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Pre-Production on your 12 Page Website

Here are the following aspects of your ideation process that you'll be working on in the development of your 12 page website:

1.  Who is your target audience?
2.  Writing out a Mission Statements for your website.
3.  Revising your Topic/Subtopics, if needed.
4.  Gathering images and informational material for your Topic/Subtopics for your website. (You will need a minimum of 250 words per webpage.)
5.  Storyboard your Home Page, including your navigation area.

What is a Mission Statement?

A mission statement is a statement of the purpose of a company, organization or person, its reason for existing.  In this case, what your website will be about, and the information it will cover.
The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization, spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making. It provides "the framework or context within which the company's strategies are formulated."

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

How to Add Hypertext Links

Below is a screen shot of the code that you will need to add to BOTH of your HTML documents.
Here are the requirements:

  • You MUST add Horizontal Lines both above AND below your Hypertext links.
  • You MUST add both Hypertext links to both your Topic AND Subtopic pages
  • You MUST center both of these links on both pages
  • Both links MUST be able to link to one another on BOTH pages

Here is the code you will need to use to succeed with the Hypertext link Rubric:

Sunday, November 03, 2013

HTML Webpage Revision and Enhancement

You now have an added Rubric to both of your final HTML Webpages.
You must do the following:

  1. You must add 2 hypertext links to both your "index.html" and "subtopic.html" webpages.
  2. You must replace your current Headers on both webpages with creative, and visually interesting banners that you create in Photoshop. These banners must be saved as .png files to ensure continuity in your background color.
 Your revised HTML website is now due by the end of class on Wednesday, November 6th.